Unleash the Power of Effective Altruism: Join the EA Serbia Introductory Course and Make a Meaningful Impact Today!

EA Serbia Introductory Course

What is the EA Introductory Course?

The EA Introductory Course is designed to familiarize participants with the core principles and concepts of Effective Altruism (EA). It serves as a comprehensive introduction to the movement, providing a foundation for understanding how to make a positive difference in the world.

The course typically covers a range of topics, including:

Introduction to Effective Altruism:

  • Definition and core principles of Effective Altruism
  • Ethical considerations and the concept of doing the most good
  1. Cause Prioritization:
    • Evaluating different global issues and their potential impact
    • Identifying high-priority causes and interventions
  2. Evidence-based Approaches:
    • Applying rationality and empirical evidence to decision-making
    • Utilizing research and data to maximize effectiveness
  3. Effective Giving:
    • Strategies for maximizing the impact of charitable donations
    • Evaluating charities and assessing their effectiveness
  4. Long-Term Thinking:
    • Understanding the importance of considering future generations
    • Exploring ways to address long-term risks and challenges
  5. Practical Examples and Case Studies:
    • Real-world examples of effective altruism in action
    • Success stories and lessons learned from effective altruists
  6. Personal Exploration:
    • Reflecting on personal values and how they align with effective altruism
    • Identifying opportunities for individuals to contribute effectively

Building Momentum, One Course At A Time

EA Serbia Introductory Course


Unveiling the Power of Effective Altruism

During the EA Introductory Course, we will delve into a variety of thought-provoking topics to broaden your understanding of effective altruism:

  • Gain a comprehensive overview of the core ideas and principles that drive the effective altruism movement.
  • Explore the process of identifying interventions that have the greatest potential for impact.
  • Engage in discussions centered around cause prioritization and evidence-based approaches to decision-making.
  • Learn about the principles of effective giving and discover how to maximize the value of your contributions.
  • Dive into real-world case studies and examples that illustrate effective altruism in action.

Secure Your Spot Today!

To participate in the EA Serbia Introductory Course, registration is mandatory. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to learn and connect with like-minded individuals.

Please click here to access the registration form. Fill out the form to reserve your place.

Got Questions? We’re Here to Help!

For any inquiries or further information, please reach out to us at tatiana.n.skuratova@efektivnialtruizam.com. Our team will be more than happy to assist you and provide the answers you seek.